How to Solve Tactrix Openport 2.0 Light is Not Bright The OEM software we have test in TOYOTA ,LOANDROVER and JAGUAR.all work excellent.!!!ĥ.The OpenPort 2.0 combined with our EcuFlash software, the OpenPort 2.0 is capable of reflashing a large number of newer Subaru and Mitsubishi vehicles, and support for other cars is in progress. Top 5 Reasons To Get Tactrix Openport 2.0+ECUFLASHĢ.Standalone datalogs to microSD / microSDHC card without a laptopģ.Supports these major OBD protocols:CAN 2.0 (CAN/ISO15765) and K-line (ISO9141/ISO14230(KWP2000)/dual K line)Ĥ.Tactrix Openport 2.0 can works for Toyota, Jaguar and LandRover diagnose. … No other Subaru vehicles require reflash adapters including Forester, Baja, Legacy, or naturally aspirated Impreza models. The Tactrix OpenPort 2.0 is the newest tuning tool hardware that is capable of communicating with most OBDII compliant vehicles using a standard J2534 interface.